Qualified Print and Broadcast media representatives (editorial staff only), working journalists, and bloggers can obtain complimentary media registration for HPBExpo25, which provides:
- Trade show floor access to see new products from and meet face-to-face with over 300 leading hearth, outdoor living, and barbecue exhibiting companies
- Access to general events and educational sessions
- Access to media briefings and other media-related events
Overall Guidelines
- HPBExpo media registration is open only to individuals affiliated with a commercial-news organization or blog.
- Companions and other non-credentialed guests of media representatives are not eligible for complimentary media registration.
- The number of complimentary trade press registrations issued will be a function of the event size and content diversity.
Credentialing Requirements
All media requesting credentials may be asked to provide any of the following:
- A business card with name, editorial title, and media outlet’s logo
- A copy of the masthead, which clearly displays name and editorial title; and/or
- Coverage of the event by their media outlet within 30 days of the event
These credential checks will also be in place for on-site media registration.
Send copies of links to coverage OR questions to:
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